1·The funds operation mechanism involves fund source, credit funds quality, funds risks, business scope, and operational efficiency etc.
2·In addition, in order to enrich the exploration of the essence of asset securitization, the paper adds two more comparisons (fund source comparison and the hidden relationship comparison).
3·“This creates a source of instability: the classic ‘original sin’ of currency and maturity mismatch, ” says Ms Park. “It will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources.
4·"This creates a source of instability: the classic 'original sin' of currency and maturity mismatch," says Ms Park. "it will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources."
5·Since 2004, he has been using his fortune to fund the Ubuntu project, which makes a user-friendly version of Linux, the open-source operating system.
6·Effective system of rewarding motivation, full market competition, and security fund for risks will be helpful to weaken this discordant factor from the source.
7·That's what a source close to Bain Capital tells me about David Toll, who today reported that the Boston-based firm would offer investors a greater share of the profits on its next mega-buyout fund.
接近贝恩资本(Bain Capital)的一位消息人士这样对我评价戴维•托尔。 托尔日前表示,总部位于波士顿的贝恩资本将在下次募集大型收购基金时为投资者提供更高比例的利润。
8·By analyzing the source of fund trustee the manager's rights and the nature of the investors' rights, I think the fund property belongs to the investors.
9·The budget combines Global Fund contributions and other counterpart financing, which makes it impossible to attribute costs to a concrete source.
10·It includes capital source and risk of fund application.